by Muhammad El Makhzingi
Translated by Eva Elias and Nur Elmessiri
Illustrations by Hamed Nada

A one-legged man who transforms a boring bus
ride into a day at the races; an albino who simulates an eclipse
of the sun; an old woman living on a rubbish heap who sees a golden
moon in a discarded button; a dying girl who turns the impersonal
shroud-like white linen of the ward into a paradise of flowers;
names and memories: these are the characters and curiosities the
reader will encounter in this collection of very short stories.
El-Makhzingi manages in a few words, simply but never simplistically,
to tell tales of transfiguration, revelation and redemption.
66 pages
14x20 cm
Paperback: ISBN 977-5028-08-6