by Rania Amin

A six year-old boy and five year-old girl of
different nationalities get to know each other on a short trip to
the desert oasis of Siwa. Despite the language barrier, a strong
bond immediately forms between them as they begin discovering a
place entirely new to them both. As with all relationships, Amina
and Tony's relationship goes through ups and downs - Amina is sad
and jealous when Tony plays with another child, and not with her
- but they quickly overcome these problems and continue to have
fun. The trip ends as unexpectedly as it began, leaving both children
with an enduring and beautiful memory.
This book illustrates how children can easily disregard language
or cultural barriers to form sincere relationships and friendships.
It's goal is also to present Egyptian children, especially those
living in cities, with new and unusual features of their country
and environment.
56 pages
17x24 cm
Hardback: ISBN 977-304-045-3
Paperback: ISBN 977-304-063-1